Corporate Budget
This chart sets out the indicative funds the authority will have available for investment to deliver against its priorities from 7 May 2024 to 31 March 2025.

What the authority will invest
This shows the budgeted cost of running the Combined Authority, representing the estimated capacity and resources required to deliver to vision for the Combined Authority in the first year.

Public Contracts Regulations 2015
Regulation 113 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 requires all contracting authorities to pay undisputed invoices within 30 days. There is a requirement under Regulation 113(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations Act 2015 that from April 2016 onwards the authority must publicise the following information:
- Percentage of Invoices to first tier suppliers/prime contractors of invoices (not under dispute) paid within 30 days
- The total amount of interest that the contracting authority is liable to pay (whether or not paid) due to breach of Regulation 113
- The actual amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of Regulation 113