Inequality is not inevitable, but it is deep rooted. As a new Combined Authority, we recognise our role to play in addressing issues of inequality. That's why we have boldly set ourselves 12 equality objectives for our first year (2024 – 2025). These objectives will help us consider issues of inequality more broadly and establish the systems and processes we need to tackle inequality going forward.
The equality objectives, which were signed off by cabinet in June 2024, have been structured to reflect the different roles of the Combined Authority as an employer, a commissioner, and a civic leader. In 2025, we will produce our formalised equality objectives to reflect the learning of the past year. We will then publish a report annually reflecting on the progress we have made against these objectives.
The work of creating a fairer North East belongs to everyone – employees, Cabinet members, partners, employers, communities and citizens.
To view previous work on equalities from the North of Tyne region, including previous annual reports on equalities and our equalities assemblies work, please click here to access the North of Tyne Combined Authority’s work.
To find out more or get involved in our work on fighting inequality in our region, contact our team at