Inequality is not inevitable, but it is deep rooted. As a new Combined Authority, we recognise our role to play in addressing issues of inequality. That's why we have boldly set ourselves 12 equality objectives for our first year (2024 – 2025). These objectives will help us consider issues of inequality more broadly and establish the systems and processes we need to tackle inequality going forward.
The equality objectives, which were signed off by cabinet in June 2024, have been structured to reflect the different roles of the Combined Authority as an employer, a commissioner, and a civic leader. In 2025, we will produce our formalised equality objectives to reflect the learning of the past year. We will then publish a report annually reflecting on the progress we have made against these objectives.
The work of creating a fairer North East belongs to everyone – employees, Cabinet members, partners, employers, communities and citizens.
To view previous work on equalities from the North of Tyne region, including previous annual reports on equalities and our equalities assemblies work, please click here to access the North of Tyne Combined Authority’s work.
To find out more or get involved in our work on fighting inequality in our region, contact our team at

Equalities Objectives 2024-25
1. Diversity
As an employer, we will take steps to ensure the diversity of our workforce reflects the population we serve.
We will develop the systems required to collect and analyse employee data so that we can identify diversity gaps and develop an action plan to begin addressing them, including proactive actions within recruitment processes.
2. Equity
As an employer, we will ensure that our polices are applied fairly, enabling all staff to thrive and contribute to the success of the organisation.
We will develop the systems required to assess whether policies and procedures are being applied equitably, so that we can identify any disparities and develop an action plan to begin addressing them.
3. Inclusion
As an employer, we will create the conditions for staff to feel valued, respected and heard.
We will develop a better understanding of staff experiences of inclusion through a programme of engagement, developing an action plan to begin addressing any challenges and opportunities uncovered.
4. Training
As an employer we will ensure that all staff and Cabinet are confident in adhering to the Public Sector Equality Duty.
We will ensure all employees and Cabinet members complete equality, diversity and inclusion training on a regular basis.
5. Evidence
As a commissioner of services, we will develop a deep understanding of the inequalities faced by residents in our region.
We will proactively embed equalities in the existing economic analysis of the organisation, targeting gaps in evidence, and using our evidence work to champion action to address issues of inequality. We will work with partners and communities to understand the impact of inequalities on people’s lives.
6. Portfolio plans
As a commissioner of services, we will embed actions to reduce inequalities and promote inclusion across all Combined Authority investments and policies.
We will identify and embed opportunities to address inequalities across all portfolios and strategic plans.
7. Guidance
As a commissioner of services, we will embed actions to reduce inequalities and promote inclusion across all Combined Authority investments and policies.
We will develop guidance for colleagues and partners to embed reducing inequalities and promoting inclusion into the design, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation of all Combined Authority policy and investments.
8. Funding
As a commissioner of services, we will consistently apply the principles of equity and inclusion to the way we make funding accessible.
We will work with partners and other funders to ensure our funding opportunities are accessible to organisations working with some of our most under-represented residents.
9. Data
As a commissioner of services, we will use data and evidence to drive action to
address inequalities and promote inclusion.
We will develop systems to consistently collect, monitor and evaluate disaggregated data about the people benefitting from our funded activity, taking action to identify and address gaps in participation.
10. Engagement
As a civic leader, we will build strong relationships with those around us to help us
achieve our goals for the region.
We will develop an approach to inclusive engagement that helps to build positive relationships with diverse audiences so that our policies reflect the needs and ambitions of our people and communities.
11. Collaboration
As a civic leader, we will build strong relationships with those around us to help us
achieve our goals for the region.
We will establish an Equalities and Inclusion working group with membership comprising of colleagues from all seven local authorities plus other key stakeholders.
12. Membership
As a civic leader, we will take steps to appoint a diverse membership to our boards which reflects the communities we serve.
We will regularly review membership of advisory groups and governance forums, ensuring that membership is diverse and inclusive.