The Forward Plan for the North East Combined Authority is published in accordance with the requirements of the Combined Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Access to Information and Audit Committees) Order 2017 (as amended) and the North East CA Constitution and gives 28 clear days’ notice* of the key decisions that are planned to be taken by the Cabinet or by a Chief Officer under delegation.
Decisions are either key or non-key. A key decision is defined as a decision which is likely to:
a. Result in the Authority or the Mayor incurring significant expenditure, or the making of significant savings, having regard to the Authority’s budget for the service or function to which the decision relates; or
b. To be significant in terms of its effects on persons living or working in an area comprising two or more electoral wards or divisions in the Authority’s area.
The Forward Plan also gives notice of non-key decisions that are planned to be taken by Cabinet. A non-key decision is a decision that is legally within the power of the Cabinet to make and can be taken by a Cabinet Member, a subcommittee of Cabinet or an Officer.
In relation to private meetings the reason an item is expected to be considered “in private” will be identified in accordance with the following exempt information categories, which are set out in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended):
Unless otherwise indicated, if you require any further information or wish to make representations about any of the matters contained in the Forward Plan please contact the appropriate officer as detailed against each entry, at least 7 days before the meeting.
* The most recent entries are referred to as ‘New’. Updated entries are referred to as ‘Update’. Items withdrawn since the last publication are referred to as ‘Withdrawn’ and following that will be removed altogether.
Decision maker | Decision is expected to be made on the following date (or within 60 days of the date) | Public or Private | Details of the decision to be taken | Documents/additional documents for consideration | Contact Officer |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Public | Housing, land and place regeneration early priorities The early priorities and next steps relating to housing, land and place regeneration, in particular Highstreets. | Mark Stamper, Head of Economic Delivery | |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Public | Appointment of Business Member of Cabinet The appointment a Cabinet Member from the business community. | Henry Kippin, Chief Executive | |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Public | Budget and Corporate Plan Approval Update and to seek approval of the 2024/25 to 2028/29 budget plan
| Mags Scott, Director of Finance and Investment | |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Public | Budget Monitoring Report Update on expected delivery for 2024/25 budget plan at Quarter 3 | Mags Scott, Director of Finance and Investment Eleanor Goodman, interim head of finance Noel Kay, strategic finance business partner | |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Public | Public Service Reform Programme Proposals for a programme of work under the Authority’s Public Service Reform Portfolio and seek approval for the strategic approach and an initial budget allocation. | Adrian Dougherty Interim Strategic Leader for Skills, Inclusion and Public Service Reform | |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Public | North of Tyne Combined Authority and the former North East Combined Authority 2023-24 Statement of Accounts The North of Tyne Combined Authority and the former North East Combined Authority 2023- 24 Statement of Accounts | Mags Scott, Director of Finance and Investment Eleanor Goodman Acting Head of Finance and Investment | |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Private | Sale of land by Nexus Sale of land by Nexus
| Mags Scott, Director of Finance and Investment | |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Private | Tyne Pressure Testing Loan Variation | Mags Scott, Director of Finance and Investment | |
Cabinet | 28/01/25 | Public | Leamside Investment Corridor A proposal to develop growth, housing and regeneration strategy for the area surrounding the Leamside railway line | Mags Scott, Director of Finance & Investment
In relation to private meetings, the reason an item is expected to be considered “in private” will be identified in accordance with the following exempt information categories, which are set out in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended):