Transport North East

Transport North East is now part of the North East Combined Authority. Find out how to access information about their previous work, governance documents, and ongoing commitments under the Transport portfolio. 

Transport North East is now part of the North East Combined Authority

Transport North East worked hard to deliver game-changing transport schemes and initiatives.

Their goal was to greatly improve the lives of everyone living or working in our region. The team provided strategy, planning and delivery services on behalf of the North East Joint Transport Committee and worked tirelessly to implement their vision of moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East.

On 7 May 2024, Transport North East ceased to exist and its role and responsibilities were merged into the new North East Combined Authority.

Looking for something?

Transport portfolio

Information regarding strategies, policies, projects, and initiatives that were started by Transport North East and which are still live, can be found on the Transport portfolio section of this website.

Document archive

Meeting agendas and minutes, decision notices, forward plans and other relevant governance documents published by Transport North East are now available in the document archive.

Projects and investments

Some projects started under Transport North East have transferred to the new North East Combined Authority. Details can be found in our projects collection.

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Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch and we’ll point you in the right direction. 

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