Project details
Portfolio: Transport
Area: County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside, Sunderland
Funding amount: £29m
Funder: Active Travel Fund, Department for Transport
Project status: In progress
Delivery partner: Seven local authorities in the North East
Key contact: Transport Directorate
Key contact email:
Page last updated 25-04-2024
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The objectives of the fund are to provide more space to pedestrians and cyclists, mainly through the reallocation of road space through a mixture of temporary and permanent schemes.
The schemes installed enable social distancing to be maintained, make walking and cycling safer, more comfortable, and more viable methods of travel, as well as encouraging people to maintain these habits over the longer term.
Active Travel Fund 4 and 4E
In 2023/24 the North East has received £12.3m in government funding from the fourth and extension round of the Active Travel Fund to invest in the region’s walking, wheeling and cycling network.
A total of seven capital and two revenue schemes have been awarded funding across Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, South Tyneside and Sunderland. Delivery of these schemes aligns with the objectives of the North East Transport Plan and delivery is commencing following detailed design, consultation and design assurance in earnest.
Capability Funding
The Go Smarter, Go Active campaign is an active travel campaign that has been created to help more people walk and cycle in the region as it bounces back from the impact of the pandemic. Its purpose is to inspire and instil confidence in the people of the North East to travel more actively and sustainably, so that carbon emissions are reduced and people can lead healthier lives- two of the North East Transport Plan’s key aims.. This is supported by the Active Travel Capability Fund.
New resources were recently launched to help people make smarter, active travel choices using our well-developed and region-wide cycling and walking network. The resources include:
- A new interactive cycling and walking map of the region to help people plan more sustainable journeys for leisure or work purposes. PDF maps showing cycling and walking routes in the North East are also available.
- 16 new active travel itineraries, providing inspiration for fun days out across the North East that can be explored on foot or by bike.
- Events and activities across the region.
Follow the Go Smarter, Go Active social media accounts to keep up with campaign activity and for daily active travel inspiration:
Facebook: @gosmartergoactive
Twitter: @Go_smarterNE
Instagram: @gosmartergoactive
YouTube: Go Smarter, Go Active