North of Tyne Combined Authority is now part of the North East Combined Authority
The first and only term of the North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA), 2019 to 2024, has come to an end. In May 2024 it was absorbed into the new North East Combined Authority.
In those five years, NTCA took a collaborative approach towards solving the problems our communities face. Working in partnership, creating connections between programmes and projects, developing an inclusive approach to investing in our region.
To read about what NTCA achieved through devolution download their final report Delivering Devolution Together.

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Document archive
Meeting agendas and minutes, decision notices, forward plans and other relevant governance documents published by the North of Tyne Combined Authority are now available in the document archive.
Projects and investments
Some projects started under NTCA have transferred to the new North East Combined Authority. Details can be found in our projects collection.