The North East LEP is now part of the North East Combined Authority
The North East Local Enterprise Partnership (North East LEP) was established in 2011 as a public, private, voluntary and education sector partnership responsible for promoting and developing economic growth in the local authority areas of County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland.
On 7 May 2024, the role and responsibilities of the North East LEP were merged into the new North East Combined Authority (North East CA).

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Document archive
Meeting agendas and minutes, decision notices, forward plans and other relevant governance documents published by the North East LEP are now available in the document archive.
Projects and investments
Some projects started under North East LEP have transferred to the new North East Combined Authority. Details can be found in our projects collection.
Groups sites
North East Evidence Hub
The North East Evidence Hub brings together key data about the region and provides tools to help residents, businesses, education establishments and policy makers to make use of this data in a simple and accessible way.
North East Ambition
North East Ambition supports all schools and colleges in the region to achieve the Good Career Benchmarks.
North East Growth Hub
The North East Growth Hub helps to strengthen businesses in the region, connecting people to funding and finance, and business opportunities as part of the Business Growth Strategy.