- Create the conditions for members to develop a deep and shared understanding of key issues, through pooling data and insights.
- Create the conditions for members to develop a collaborative and co-ordinated approach to addressing key issues, reducing the risk of siloed thinking and working.
- Enable members to speak with one voice as regional and national ambassadors of the work being delivered across the EIS portfolio.
- Ensure that the different needs of residents across the region are being addressed, by including representation of minoritised voices.
- Hold North East CA accountable for meeting the Public Sector Equality Duty – ensuring the EIS programme shows due regard for ending discrimination, advancing equal opportunities and fostering good relations.
- Create the conditions for members to think strategically and long-term about they can work together to respond to the future needs and challenges of the region.
Members details can be found below:
Members | Sector | |
Cllr Tracey Dixon Leader of South Tyneside Council and North East Combined Authority Portfolio lead for Education, Inclusion and Skills | Chair | cllr.tracey.dixon@southtyneside.gov.uk |
Jonathan Tew, Chief Executive of South Tyneside Council and North East Combined Authority CX Portfolio Lead for Education Inclusion and Skills | Local Authority | jonathan.tew@southtyneside.gov.uk |
Rhiannon Bearne, Chamber of Commerce, Policy and Representation Director and NoT Local Skills Improvement Plan ERB. | Employers | rhiannon.bearne@necc.co.uk |
Reshma Begum, Federation of Small Businesses, Development Manager – North East England | Employers | reshma.begum@fsb.org.uk |
North East Automotive Alliance, CEO and NE Local Skills Improvement Plan ERB | Employers | pbutler@northeastautomotivealliance.com |
Matthew Beeton Port of Tyne, CEO | Employers | Matthew.Beeton@portoftyne.co.uk |
Chris Zarraga, Schools North East, Director | Schools | c.zarraga@schoolsnortheast.com |
Audrey Kingham , Chair of the North East Regional Education Group and Executive Director of Children, Young People and Education at Northumberland County Council | Local Authority | audrey.kingham@northumberland.gov.uk |
David Inness DWP | Employment Support | David.Inness@DWP.GOV.UK |
Claire Riley, NHS NE & North Cumbria Integrated Care Board, Chief Corporate Services Officer | Health | claire.riley22@nhs.net |
Annabel Smith Centre for Progressive Policy, Director of Place and Practice, and lead for the Inclusive Growth Network | Inclusion | asmith@progressive-policy.net |
Beth Farat North East Child Poverty Commission, Chair | Poverty Prevention | Beth.Farhat@neu.org.uk |
Alison Dunn, Citizens Advice Gateshead, Chair of VONNE and Director of Society Matters | VCSE | alisond@citizensadvicegateshead.org.uk |
Mandy Morris, Principal, Tyne Coast College | Further Education | Mandy.Morris@tynecoast.ac.uk |
Scott Bullock, Principal, East Durham College | Further Education | scott.bullock@eastdurham.ac.uk |
Jayne Dooley, DfE, Head of North East and Cumbria Territorial Team, Post-16 Regions and FE Provider Oversight | Further Education | Jayne.DOOLEY@education.gov.uk |
Professor Mark Shucksmith OBE, Published researcher in social exclusion in rural areas, rural housing, rural development, social and economic change and rural policy. Newcastle University and Carnegie UK Trustee | Higher Education | mark.shucksmith@newcastle.ac.uk |
Dan Monnery, Chief Strategy Officer, Northumbria University | Higher Education | daniel.monnery@northumbria.ac.uk |
Steve McKinlay, North East Housing Partnership, CEO Tyne Housing | Social Housing | steve.mckinlay@tynegroup.org.uk |
Heather Lee, VONNE and chair of NE VCSE Skills and Employment Network | VCSE | heatherwintonlee1961@gmail.com |
TBC North East Combined Authority Business Board member |