The North East Combined Authority delivers the strategies and programmes that help make this happen. From better transport to more social housing, from a thriving creative economy to sustainable rural communities, this Mayoral Combined Authority will deliver in a way that aligns to the priorities of local people.
We will work with partners including local authorities, housing providers and Homes England to deliver more affordable and social housing, ensuring everyone has access to a good home.
As part of this, we’ll invest in communities and in making our housing stock meet the needs of residents. We’ll also work to secure more devolved powers to support renters.

In the short term we will:
Implement the Mayor’s Local Transport
Plan, following extensive public consultation,
improving transport for all users.
Work to bring buses back under public
control with the Angel Network.
Transform the daily experience of Tyne and
Wear Metro users by bringing the new trains
into service.
Introduce a Spatial Development Strategy.
Deliver more good homes by reforming
brownfield sites and building more
affordable housing and social housing.
Establish and deliver a regional events and
culture programme.
Implement a North East Environmental
Stewardship, Coast, and Rural Growth
Investment Plan.