We are the home of real opportunity

We will create a better North East by connecting communities, giving people the skills to succeed and improving wellbeing for all. Collaborating with our partners we will make sure the North East is recognised as an outstanding place to live, work, visit and invest.

We've just published our Interim Local Growth Plan, which sets out how we will work in partnership with business to achieve our vision. Find out more below.

Find out more about the Local Growth Plan

About the North East Combined Authority

Our region

Our region

The North East is home to three cities, award-winning coastline, breathtaking rural landscapes and historic market towns.

With a population just under 2 million, the area covered by the combined authority is the seven local authority areas of County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland.

Our mayor

Our mayor

Kim McGuinness is the first North East mayor. She was elected on a manifesto dedicated to creating the infrastructure of opportunity.

As Mayor, Kim has committed to creating a North East that goes beyond net zero with climate change policies that change lives, where there is a good home for everyone, whether you rent or own and a well-paid job enjoyed by a skilled workforce backed by strong trade unions.


Information about our committees and advisory boards, how we make decisions, how we spend money, and what our forward plan looks like.

Equalities opportunities

Our vision for a fairer North East is so critical that we’ve made it a founding commitment. Creating a fairer North East goes hand in hand with creating a successful North East. We are not choosing between fairness or economic growth.

Our projects

The North East CA supports a wide range of projects through the various funding streams we manage. These projects are how we deliver on our commitments and the aims outlined in the seven portfolio areas.

The latest

Child Poverty Reduction Unit

Child Poverty Reduction Unit

North East Mayor Kim McGuinness has made tackling child poverty her number one priority during her term of office. 

Mayor steps up action on child poverty during breakfast club visit

Mayor steps up action on child poverty during breakfast club visit

North East Mayor Kim McGuinness put new grants for childcare and action to make sure youngsters start the day well fed at the heart of her plans to tackle child poverty, as she visited one school’s breakfast club in Peterlee, County Durham.

The corporate plan

The corporate plan

The North East Combined Authority is committed to open government and encouraging local people to have their say on the decisions that affect them, their families and community as a whole.

Have your say

Our vision is that the North East is recognised as an outstanding place to live, work, visit and invest. There are lots of ways you can get involved in helping us make this happen.

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