Ticketing offers

21 and under bus fares
If you’re 21 or under, you can now go by bus for just £1 or less. Or, you can buy a £3 unlimited day ticket to get round County Durham, Northumberland and Tyne & Wear – you can go by Metro or ferry too.

22 and over bus fares
Adults can now get a cheaper all day bus ticket to use across the North East. For just £6.80 you can travel all day across Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, and County Durham on any bus, the Metro, Shields Ferry, and the Northern Rail services between Blaydon and Sunderland.

£2.50 Adult Single Cap
North East Mayor Kim McGuinness has stepped in to cap adult bus fares in the region at a maximum of £2.50 today - saving passengers at least 50p every journey from January compared to the Government's £3 limit announced in the budget.

Kids Go Free
Kids across the North East will get free travel for the school holidays! Bus, Metro, and the Shields Ferry will allow free travel for up to three children aged 11 and under, when travelling with an adult with a valid ticket or concessionary pass holder during school holidays over the next year.

Bus Passenger Charter
The Bus Passenger Charter sets out what you can expect when travelling on any of the region’s buses and what can be done if the experience falls short of our commitment to you.

The bus
From Berwick to Beamish, Blyth to Barnard Castle, the bus takes all kinds of people to all kinds of places all over the North East. No need for parking, no fighting the traffic. Leave the stress behind. Why not give it a try?
The North East Enhanced Partnership put together a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) bid, and as a result the region was awarded £163.5 million by the Department of Transport.
This funding is being used on a variety of initiatives, including the fares and ticketing offers detailed above, and a regionwide bus passenger charter.
For more information on the BSIP or the North East Enhanced Partnership, please contact the bus team on buses@northeast-ca.gov.uk.