What is the North East Local Transport Plan?
The North East Local Transport Plan outlines the Mayor's blueprint for a connected network that is simple, affordable, and built to last. The goal is to make travel across the North East greener, safer, and more reliable, ensuring it’s accessible to everyone, both physically and financially. The Mayor’s plan will make sustainable travel the first choice for more people and businesses, helping us reduce emissions and improve connections between communities, giving people the skills they need to succeed and creating better wellbeing for all.
The plan is structured around five key areas:
- journey planning and customer support
- ticketing and fares
- expanding infrastructure and making it more resilient
- enhancing safety, especially for women and girls
- improving links between different modes of transport
With a clear delivery plan up to 2040, it sets the path for overcoming current challenges and creating a more efficient, resilient transport network for the future.

Have your say
The public consultation is about making sure we’ve got the big picture right: a vision for an integrated transport network that works for everyone. We want to understand if our five key policy areas of the plan are what the public feel are right for our region, or if we've missed anything.
Please note this consultation is now closed.

About the Local Transport Plan
The Transport Plan looks at how we can create a safer, greener and more affordable integrated transport network. But what does that mean? What challenges does it address and what solutions does it suggest?
Find out more about the Plan.
Important documents
Our Summary Document
Read our summary of the LTP
North East Local Transport Plan
Read our full LTP
Delivery Plan
Read our Delivery Plan
Consultation Principles
Find out more about our consultation principles
Integrated Sustainability Appraisal documents
It is important that the North East Local Transport Plan and accompanying Delivery Plan is delivered in a manner which protects and enhances the environment, enhances health and quality of life, and is delivered in a fair an inclusive manner. An independent Integrated Sustainability Appraisal has been undertaken to test these effects and is available via the links below.